Submitted by Martin Sumner-Smith on Mon, 11/21/2011 – 14:44
Showing a collection of PowerPoint slides pulled from an OpenText Content Server was the subject of a recent post. At that time, I used presentations from our Content World Users’ conference of a year ago to show how a collection of related materials from a secure enterprise repository could be embedded in the post using OpenText Widget Services (OTWS).Last week was the latest Content World 2011 conference, which provided me with a rich set of new materials to show Widget Services’ capabilities. Note: All of these presentations are already available individually from OpenText Online Communities (login required)Full screen collection – In my previous post the collection was embedded within the post. You could expand it if you chose. But there are times when you want to show full-screen off-the-bat. So here are a collection of presentations related to our eDOCS offering:
- Just click on this link to view the collection
- Select one, get details, view it in a player, download it, or get the embed code to use elsewhere.