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Level 2 Emotional Intelligence Skills Mastery Course

tranzform-security Division
Level 2 Emotional Intelligence and Implicit Bias Mastery Course


Advanced and intensive professional development training for leaders, decision-makers, senior staff, and change agents wanting cultivate a high level of EQ (emotional Intelligence) mastery

EQ is the scientific measurement of emotional intelligence, as is IQ for cognitive processing.  Most competitors deliver high level lectures on emotional intelligence (storytelling). We provide techniques to assess it and improve it.

About this Course
Training at this advanced level not only assesses each participant’s own EQ strengths and weaknesses, but also how to assess that in others, especially employees and others in the work and personal environment

Emotional Intelligence began as a new psychology of personal development in the late 1980s and was popularized by authors like Daniel Goleman, Peter Salovey and others in the 1990s. It has since evolved into influential self-management, leadership, and conflict resolution strategies that provide a powerful method for enhancing personal and professional success

This week-long program helps each participant establish their own personal EQ change plan with strategies for social awareness, conflict resolution and management, self-awareness tactics such as meditation and self-reflection methods, inspirational leadership, and strategies for reading the group and improved listening. That plans, developed in conjunction with course instructors during the week, will list specific steps for EQ improvement and further growth. In addition, the plan will establish a personal network of mentors who will provide on-going support. The EQ network is one key for success. Even though the training ends, support in EQ personal development does not

Participants learn:

  • How the science of EQ works
  • How to develop an EQ change plan with strategies for EQ growth
  • How to establish and EQ mentorship network
  • The powerful role of EQ in decisions and problem-solving
  • Social awareness and EQ group temperature
  • Conflict resolution and management
  • Self-awareness tactics such as meditation and self-reflection methods
  • Inspirational leadership
  • Strategies for reading the group and improved listening
  • How to assess your self-awareness and daily listening skills
  • How to better read others in social situations and watch for behavioral cues

Type:                Personal Growth
Duration:        5 days
Location:        120 Carlton Street, Toronto ON
Next Date:      TBD
Cost:                 $1,200.00 per person


Your instructors

Gerard Cleveland is an attorney and educational specialist with years of practice implementing and teaching EQ. He has taught EQ around the world to a wide array of leaders in professions such as law, education, government, police, aboriginal and first-nations communities, and members of the community. Gerard has a background in education and co-developed, with Gregory Saville, the first-ever EQ training into Law Enforcement within a U.S. government funded training program called police problem-based learning. The method and techniques offered in this course is being implemented in over a hundred Canadian, American, and Australian police agencies, with a  recruit field training version written by the course facilitators called PTO, promoted in President Obama’s recent national white paper on policing in the 21st Century

Gregory Saville is a criminologist and professional educator with years of emotional intelligence training and meditation experience. He has taught EQ to leaders; practitioners in a wide range of professions including police officers, military officials, educators and trainers; and front-line personnel around the world. Course participants have led organizations in many different professions from dynamic corporations to government, often working in high stress environments while launching innovative cutting-edge technologies to tackling disorder in high crime, gang neighborhoods    @ the Contact Us link