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I’ve been emailing

I’ve been emailing around a few references which I believe form a corpus of the subject of Cloud Computing. Some might look and have some dated references but are still relevant IMHO.
Technology Review Cloud Computing Briefing: very well written and defines the IaaS, PaaS and SaaS layers of cloud computing, reused by US CIO. US CIO Cloud Computing Strategy: when the largest buyer of IT defines a cloud-first policy, requires of every agency that they migrate 3 applications to the cloud rapidly, you can only underestimate what the IT industry impact will be. An estimated $20 billion of the Federal Government’s $80 billion in IT spending is a potential target for migration to cloud computing solutions. The Big Switch: Does IT matter? author and former Harvard Business Review editor at large Jonathan Carr book on how cloud computing is reshaping IT the same way the grid reshaped electricity production in late 19th century. Google Container Datacenter tour: if you believe you can still internally match cloud providers when economy of scale and pure engineering is applied to IT infrastructure by upgrading to what infrastructure vendors call a private cloud, take a look, it’s game over for most of the internal datacenter. More to come…

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